Blog | July 23, 2012

Farm Aid Music Monday, Starring Neil Young

MattToday’s Music Monday is a special one for me, as it’s from my first Farm Aid concert and is still the most vivid Farm Aid memory that I’ve got. Our 2008 concert was in Mansfield, Massachusetts, which was great for me because it meant more of my friends and family were able to attend the show (since our office is in the Boston area). The day itself was a whirlwind of activity, but I was immediately impressed with how hard everyone on staff worked without complaints—everyone just did their job and finished what had to be done. After many long hours spent in a trailer backstage making sure everyone at home could enjoy the show with our live webcast, I was finally able to sneak out in time to watch Neil Young’s performance.

I hope to post more videos from Farm Aid 2008 soon, but for now I’ll at least share Neil Young’s cover of “A Day in the Life,” which was originally written by The Beatles. It closed out his set with tremendous ferocity and thankfully “Old Black,” his 1953 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop, has recovered. Watching this now takes me back to that September night where I remember the power of the sounds blowing into my face and sending a chill down my back. I hope you enjoy it like I did.

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