Blog | December 11, 2011

Why We Give

KariHoliday season is a time when Americans think about giving, and that includes gifts to their favorite non-profit organizations. It is a busy season here at Farm Aid! As farmers are settling in for the winter, we turn our attention to the issues and needs they have. We talk to them about what we can do to help them thrive in 2012.

The urge to give has always been an interesting phenomenon for me, particularly as I invite people to make gifts in support of our work here at Farm Aid.

Farmer hand holding seedling

Why do we give? What prompts us to open our checkbooks or log-on and give away our hard earned money? It can be a rational approach to offset taxes, but for many people it’s deeper than that. We find that many of you have an emotional connection to our work. Perhaps you remember summers spent on your family’s farm, doing chores or just having fun. You can instantly recall the smell of the barn or the freshly harvested wheat.

There is an innate happiness and gratification in each aspect of giving, whether we are thinking about which cause to support, the actual act of donating, or the after-glow when you recall the memory of that moment. Giving is an act that connects all of us. It expands our world in an instant, from being a singular individual and puts us in a place of community.

We are making a statement when we give. We want to be part of a larger movement to do good. Don’t we all want to feel that we have made a tangible difference with our lives? Sharing our resources, any resources we have, enables to connect to the community around us. It connects us to our values, our passions, and our personal history.

We hope you will consider a gift to support Farm Aid this holiday season. When you do, a generous and vocal supporter of Farm Aid’s work, Joe DeFeo & Juran Inc., will match your donation dollar for dollar!

We are proud to honor your donation by working tirelessly on behalf of the American family farmer. When they are able to thrive on their land, our own local communities are stronger because of it.

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