Blog | May 26, 2009

Rallying for Dairy Farmers

AnnaThe Farm Aid office has been in overdrive as we prepare to send Joel to Iowa for the Rally on Dairy Prices this weekend.

Farm Aid has teamed up with dairy farmers and a variety of local and regional organizations to hold a rally at the Manchester Livestock Exchange in Manchester, Iowa on Saturday, May 30th.

In the past year, dairy farmers have seen the price they are paid for their milk drop upwards of 50% percent, the largest single drop since the Great Depression, according to the National Family Farm Coalition. Prices are so low, dairy farmers are being paid about half of what it costs them to produce milk, forcing thousands out of business and off their land.

The rally will call attention to this crisis and present solutions that keep family dairy farmers in business, bringing us a safe, local and regional milk supply. Click here for more information (and here’s a PDF version of a poster you can print out).

Do you live in or around Iowa? Round up a herd of friends and head over to show your support for dairy farmers and learn from a great group of speakers.

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