Blog | June 25, 2008

Willie Nelson delivers Family Farm Disaster Funds in Iowa

Willie Nelson met with farmers in Tama, Iowa last Saturday to give a $10,000 Farm Aid grant check to the newly formed group called the Iowa Farm Disaster Relief Coalition.

The farmers met with Willie on the bus. Farmers Mark Anderson and Barbara Grant brought lovely organic vegetables from their farm for Willie, his wife Annie, two sons and crew.

The farmers, Willie and Annie had a thoughtful conversation about the impact of the flood on farmers and on the environment. The gathering gave people hope that this flood can bring more people together to create a stronger and better sustainable agriculture in Iowa that delivers good food for all.

Earlier in the day Willie gratefully accepted a check from Mark Stanley, who represented Best Buy as they donated $10,000. With an additional donation of $25,000 from WhiteWave, makers of Horizon Organic and Silk Soymilk, and donations from people like YOU, Farm Aid has raised $50,000 so far for the Family Farm Disaster Fund!

We are preparing to give grants to the other states hit by rain and floods, including WI, IN, IL, and MO.

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