Blog | March 3, 2008

Joel learns more about GMO seeds

Among the many excellent goings-on at the recent Organic Farming Conference (sponsored by the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service) in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, one of the most inspiring was the keynote address by Andrew Kimbrell of the Center for Food Safety. Andrew spoke very hopefully about overcoming the “ecocide” of American farmland perpetrated by Monsanto and other agri/chemical corporate giants. He said we had so far defeated the introduction (into the U.S.) of GE wheat, rice, and alfalfa, but the sugar beet is the next big fight. And the great threat remains the chemical giants taking full control of seed companies, with Monsanto alone now owning 21% of seed companies worldwide. Be sure to check out Andrew’s new book, “Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food” available through the “publications” link on the Center for Food Safety website at Another excellent publication is the “Farmers’ Guide to GMO’s,” by David Moeller of the Farmers Legal Action Group and Michael Sligh of the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (both Farm Aid funded groups). First published in 2004, the “Farmers’ Guide” will be updated this year. You can download the 2004 version as well as other relevant articles for free at FLAG’s website, . Happy reading!

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