Blog | March 6, 2007

Nahreen gardens IN the Farm Aid office

Spring is almost here and I can’t wait!

It started with the Chia pet we planted here in the office a few months ago. It was a Garfield chia pet, but Katie renamed him Fast Eddie. I’m kinda a geek, I know, but I got real excited when Fast Eddie started sprouting. Then, just a few days ago, we got our office AeroGarden all set up! We’re growing Italian Basil (which will sprout first), Purple Basil, Mint, Dill, Chives, Parsley and Cilantro. And again, I can’t wait to see some life out of them. In case you’re curious, we planted on Wednesday, February 28th. The Italian Basil takes 4-7 days, so any day now we should see something!

All this made me think, why don’t I plant anything on my own at home. First I thought, I couldn’t. I live in the city; I don’t have a yard. Then I came to my senses; who needs a yard when I have a roof deck? Right?

I’m a rookie. My grandfather had a garden and my biggest accomplishment there was eating. He grew Armenian Cucumbers, which were my favorite! We would pick them, wash them off with the hose, break them in half, pour salt (from the salt shaker we had conveniently brought outside with us), sit on the grass and chomp away. Nothing’s better than that! So other than knowing I’m gonna have fun and the end result will be delicious, I don’t know much. But I’ve borrowed quite a few seed and gardening books from Jen, one of the many gardening experts here in the office, and I’m learning! But it’s just the beginning of March- before you know it, I’ll be a pro!

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