Blog | June 7, 2006

the mission of this blog

Farm Aid has thought about having a blog for awhile and recently we realized that blogging could be a fun way for us staff to share what goes on behind the barn doors of our office.

We are a staff of eleven–almost all of us are in the 2005 concert photo above taken by Tony Buechler of Staff member Joel Morton is missing from the photo.

As you can see from the photo we get the double joy of not only working for a meaningful non-profit, but once a year, we become a concert production company and we get to spend some time on the edges of the music world. In the photo we are with our board members Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews.

All staff members will write from time to time. We’ll write about the farm meetings we attend, the concert planning we are engaging in and our own attempts to live lives and choose food that supports family farming. Over time, we hope you’ll feel like you’re part of the Farm Aid family!

We are hoping that this blog will become the place where we share breaking news, interesting trivia, and the backstory behind what we do and why we do it. Many people have ideas about Farm Aid that may be far from the truth- we’re ready to set the record straight and tell the real dirt.

The thing we are most looking forward to is feedback from you. Use the comments section with wild abandon- ask questions- tell us what you want to know and we will do our best to respond. Who knows? Maybe we’ll blog all about you.

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