farm aid - 2015 board artist photo - willie nelson, neil young, john mellencamp, dave matthews - by marc hauser
Photo © Marc Hauser

Blog | December 16, 2015

GMO Labeling: Victory is Ours! (For now…)

by Alicia Harvie

Congratulations – you did it!

Thousands of you joined Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews in calling on President Obama to stand up for transparency in our food system. Lobbyists for the world’s largest food, biotech, and chemical companies tried to sneak a rider — referred to as the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act — into the year-end appropriations bill. If passed, it would have blocked the labeling of GMOs, but you spoke up.

Your voices were heard. Take a look at the petition we delivered to the White House yesterday evening!


Together, we prevented the DARK Act rider from making into the year-end funding bill. The bill also included language that will delay the approval of genetically engineered salmon until the FDA provides guidelines for labeling the fish as genetically engineered.

Those are important signs that we’re making a huge difference on the Hill.

And yet, the year-end bill also included troubling language that would repeal Country of Origin Labeling (COOL), an important law secured in the 2008 Farm Bill. Family farmers and ranchers have fought for COOL for decades — and earlier this year many of you joined them for a National Call-In Day to Protect COOL.

So the fight for transparency in our food system is not over yet. We’re keeping a close eye on the process to block any last-minute shenanigans. And we will surely engage you as these battles continue and develop in 2016.

But for now, let’s celebrate a victory in protecting our right to know what’s in our food.

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