We are devastated at the loss of Pegi Young, a good Farm Aid friend, an inspiring, talented artist and an incredibly kind, considerate human. Pegi passed away on New Year’s Day following a year-long battle with cancer. As noted by Billboard,
Pegi will best be remembered for her work with the Bridge School. Inspired by experiences trying to find schools for their son Ben, who was born with cerebral palsy, she and Neil started their own school with another parent, Jim Foderer and Dr. Marilyn Buzolich, creating groundbreaking methods for educating and enriching the lives of its students. Young served as president of the Bridge School’s board of directors since its inception and was its Executive Director for seven years. From 1986-2016 she worked with her ex-husband on the annual Bridge School Benefit concerts, a yearly musical highlight that featured a diverse who’s who roster of artists over the years – Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Elton John, Pearl Jam, Metallica, R.E.M., Jams Taylor, Willie Nelson, reunions of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Buffalo Springfield and scores of others – that helped fund the school.
“It’s grown way behind my expectations,” Pegi Young said in 2017. “It’s having a global impact. That was my dream, but to actually be realizing it is huge,” she said.
Pegi graced many Farm Aid stages, singing back-up with Neil and as a solo artist.

Pegi Young at Farm Aid on September 22, 2012 at Hershey Park Stadium in Hershey, PA. (Photo: Paul Natkin/Wire Image)
Watch Pegi Young & The Survivors perform at Farm Aid 2013 in Saratoga Springs, NY: