Today is the Friday before the Sunday concert and I am getting packed
and ready for a caravan to New York. I’ll be leaving at the crack of
dawn (Farmer’s hours) to drive some volunteers and myself to the venue.
I don’t know what to expect, but I do know that there is quite the
I have been coming up with ideas of different stories to investigate and
share with you all on the blog. The history of Randall’s Island, another
Farm Aid horoscope, the fun merchandise this year or just how long is
the line at the port-o-potty? So as you can see, I have a good list, but
is that what you wanna know? I could use some suggestions. Want me to
find out what food Mellencamp is eating? Want to know who has the best
trailer backstage – Dave or Willie? Want to know what to bring to the
concert? Well just post a comment to ask and I’ll try to answer your questions.
Keep checking in with the blog throughout this weekend for updates,
celebrity scoops, trivia, photos and just pure silliness all in the name
of good food from good people. That is what brings us back every year –
supporting and celebrating family farmers dedicated to making our world
better with not just food – but good food.