Blog | May 30, 2013

Saying goodbye to Jame Boastick

GlendaJame Boastick passed away on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, in Urbana, Illinois, surrounded by his family.

In 1985, Jame attended the inaugural Farm Aid concert in Champaign, IL, his hometown. Farm Aid captured Jame’s imagination, and in the next 28 years he missed only one concert event. Jame loved Willie Nelson and the music of Farm Aid and faithfully made the trip each year.

Jame became Farm Aid’s most faithful donor.  He regularly called the office, sent newspaper clippings and a steady stream of donations. For a time he even worked an extra job so that he could increase his donations.

One day in the early 1990s, Jame walked into the Farm Aid office in Cambridge, MA, along with his mother Marilyn Boastick, and announced, "Hi, I’m Jame Boastick!," much to our delight.  No one had ever met Jame, although staff members had talked with him on the phone many times.

Jame’s passion for Farm Aid and for family farms inspired the entire Farm Aid family. All of us at Farm Aid admired his unwavering enthusiasm and constant support. We will miss Jame, and we send our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Rest in peace, one-of-a-kind, Jame Boastick.

Glenda and the Farm Aid staff

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