Blog | March 26, 2009

Tweeting Farmers

MattCute kitten videos? Sure. The latest celebrity gossip? Yup, you can definitely find those things on YouTube and on blogs, but a growing number of farmers are turning to those methods to reach customers.

Selling directly to consumers via farmers markets or CSA programs provide farmers with income at a fair rate. And a great way to connect with those consumers is through websites, blogs, Twitter, and other social media sites. In this month’s farmer story on, we spoke with Greg Massa and the idea of knowing your customers came up. While he’s surveyed foreign markets for his rice, he also gets to know people through farmers markets and also through his blog and on Twitter.

In using Farm Aid’s Twitter account, I’ve noticed a definite increase in farmers using the service. It’s a great way to peek in at the everyday lives of farmers that we see so rarely in other media. Lately I’ve been reading firsthand accounts as farmers prepare for the developing flood threats in North Dakota.

Whether you’re a farmer or not, follow us on Twitter to get updates on what we’re working on and links to the latest food and farm news. And I promise no kitten videos or celebrity gossip. If you’re a farmer with a blog or other social media account, please comment here or via Twitter!

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