Blog | September 3, 2007

Voter Registration at Farm Aid

Every year Farm Aid partners with an organization to help register voters at our show. We think its important that everyone get in the loop so they can use their vote to support family farmers. This year, Farm Aid very pleased to be working with HeadCount for the second year in a row.

HeadCount is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that utilizes the multi-faceted power of music to enable voter registration and participation in democracy. Since its inception in 2004, the organization has registered over 50,000 voters, more than any volunteer-run organization in the U.S. It’s board of directors includes Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, other well-known musicians, and the very top managers, promoters and media publishers in the live music community.

So, drop by the Farm Aid donation booth to register to vote, if you aren’t already. HeadCount staff and volunteers will be excited to see you.

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